All applicants who submit an application form to the Rome Burlesque Festival (RBF) must agree to these ‘Terms & Conditions’
**RBF does NOT accept acts that are culturally appropriative, insensitive and highly offensive. RBF respects all cultures, ethnicities, gender, body shapes and ages. We accept diversity but will not tolerate any performances that disrespect any of the above.**
Application Process
All applicants will need not pay application fee
RBF will notify successful and unsuccessful applicants via e-mail within 20 days of closure of applications.
Successful applicants cannot perform in large-scale ‘like’ or similar events 30 days prior to the commencement of RBF or 14 days after. We understand that performers need to work. However, if there is a conflicting event, similar in nature to RBF we ask that you notify RBF as soon as practical to discuss. Local shows and events, on a smaller scale, are of course exempt.
Acts cannot be more than 8 minutes total length under any circumstances.
Please contact RBF for further information if clarification is required. Breach of these terms may result in immediate cancellation from the Rome Burlesque Festival schedule and website.
RBF reserves the right to cancel any show with minimal notice. Performers (solo, duo, groups) will be paid an honorary fee of 30 Euro if a show is cancelled with five or less days notice.
Exception: RBF reserves the right to cancel the festival with minimal notice due to Covid-19 restrictions or circumstances out of their control. Performers (solo, duo, groups) will not receive payment.
RBF is not obligated to pay a performer fee if a show is cancelled with more than five days notice.
Performers will be offered another performance opportunity if a show is cancelled if practical.
Director: Alessandro Casella
Email: alessandro@ellingtonclubroma.com
Phone: +39 3495532135
Payment and Invoices
The Rome Burlesque Festival pays a standard, non-negotiable fee as follows:
International & Local Artists – Solo: 80 euro , Group: (two or more) 100 euro.
All invoices to be forwarded to info@ellingtonclubroma.com
Local performers are to send a docx or PDF invoice. Payments will then be processed as per the T&Cs.
International performers are required to send a PayPal invoice. Payments will then be processed as per the T&Cs.
Invoices must include the following – stage name, legal name, address, phone number, ABN, date of performance/s, act/s performed, fee.
File types accepted are docx or PDF.
RBF does not pay personal or business GST, PayPal or bank fees. If you do not have an ABN please fill out a Hobbyist Form which you can find online.
Performers will be paid within 30 days following the last day of RBF 2022 regardless of when you performed via direct debit or PayPal.
The Rome Burlesque Festival does not pay deposits on scheduled acts.
The Rome Burlesque Festival does not pay in advance.
The Rome Burlesque Festival does not pay for travel expenses, hotels or meal allowances.
Public Liability
International performers we recommend you have appropriate ‘travel insurance’.
The performer shall indemnify and not hold RBF liable in the case of any Public Liability Claim brought against them relating to the performer.
The performer agrees that they are liable for and will indemnify RBF against all claims for damage or loss of equipment relating to the performer as a result of traveling to and from the performance venue and conducting the performance.
Correspondence will be via email and/or via a Facebook group. The Facebook group is for general information only. We highly recommend that you join this group to avoid delays in delivery of information. For personal questions or concerns email us at info@ellingtonclubroma.com All successful applicants will be invited to this group at a later date.
It is an expectation that all performers read any correspondence that is related to the festival.
Emails will be answered within five days where possible unless urgent.
All correspondence between the performer and RBF including this agreement is confidential and must not be discussed with a third party before, during or after the festival.
The Rome Burlesque Festival will not tolerate damage, slander or libel which may cause harm or affect the reputation of the festival. This statement can be in writing, spoken words or even pictured.
Artist Passes/Complimentary Tickets
ALL performers will be entitled to an ‘Artist Pass’ to attend festival shows. ‘Artist Passes’ will be limited. Performers will be notified at a later date regarding ‘terms’.
No complimentary tickets are offered to family or friends. They will need to purchase a ticket.
Friends and family may not be able to sit with you if you have an ‘Artist Pass’. We suggest if you want to sit together please purchase a ticket.
If RBF has approved an assistant for your act they will automatically be entitled to a ‘complimentary pass’ to the show they are assisting in only. Non-transferable to family or friends.
Performer Assistants
If you require an assistant during your act they must be approved by RBF prior to or during the application process.
Assistants are only allowed backstage to prep two acts prior to your performance.
Assistants cannot stay backstage after your performance, unless they have to pack down.
Assistants are not entitled to an Artist Pass.
Any snacks or drinks provided by RBF are for the performers only and not for assistants.
RBF does not provide alcohol unless part of the drink ‘rider’ and is subject to the discretion of the festival.
Please be advised that RBF will be photographed and possibly videotaped. By submitting your application and accepting the ‘Terms and Conditions’ you are agreeing to allow RBF to use your images for ongoing promotional usage.
RBF is very mindful of using any photos or footage in a professional and appropriate manner. We are aware of being sensitive to posting ‘partial nude shots’, such as pasties. In general we only post photos and footage we can use to promote future events.
The performer with allow photography and videography of their acts during the festival at no extra cost to The Rome Burlesque Festival or official photographers.
The performer will allow any footage and photography from The Rome Burlesque Festival to be used for future promotion and marketing of the festival.
The performer will not use any images of themselves performing at The Rome Burlesque Festival in any advertising or marketing of future conflicting events.
Any photos or footage used from RBF must be credited correctly with the following: The Rome Burlesque Festival 2021, performer name, show name, photographer or videographer name as applicable.
Performers requesting an edited video of their performance please contact rbf@ellingtonclubroma.com at the completion of the tour. If a performer would like their act filmed or photographed by their own videographer or photographer they must submit a request prior to commencement of the festival and is subject to approval at the sole discretion of RBF.
A file request will be sent via wetrasfer to successful applicants at a later date to upload images.
Performer images provided should be high resolution (minimum 300dpi) jpg or pdf files suitable for print or media (i.e. no nudity) clearly labelled with the performers name and show/s performing in e.g. Miss example, Melbourne.jpg.
We suggest images with a white or dark background for media, as ‘busy’ images are often not accepted.
If you need to credit the photographer please add the name of the photographer to the image you submit. While RBF will certainly try to credit whenever we can it is not always possible to do so.
You must hold the correct rights to any image submitted.
A file request will be sent via DropBox to successful applicants at a later date to upload music.
Music files must be labelled correctly with your stage name and show/s you are performing in (missexample, Melbourne.mp3). All tracks must be included if a mix down.
Once provided music cannot be changed or significantly altered unless approved by The Rome Burlesque Festival. Due to the high number of performers RBF cannot risk double ups regarding music. Whilst we appreciate some songs are popular and used repeatedly we like to avoid too many similarities.
Music cannot be changed or altered three months prior to the festival.
Media and Marketing
RBF will at times approach performers regarding publicity opportunities, which might include print, online or film. RBF expects ALL performers to actively participate in promotion of the festival. While we understand that many of you are asked to promote various other events it is essential that participants promote RBF wherever possible. RBF will in return promote each performer and offer opportunities as they arise.
All performers must list their participation in the Rome Burlesque Festival accurately on all websites and social media profiles within seven days on confirmation.
It is an expectation of performers to promote the Rome Burlesque Festival as much as possible following acceptance to the festival. A flyer, media release and website link will be forwarded to the performer for distribution.
Performers may be asked to participate in publicity leading up to the commencement of the Rome Burlesque Festival and are expected to be available whenever possible.
You may be contacted for specific marketing pitches. If you have a specific story of interest relating to your burlesque experience please forward to rbf@ellingtonclubroma.com
Press images most likely to be published will be of high quality and contain no nudity or watermark. All care is taken to credit photographer where possible, however it is the responsibility of the performer to gain permission from the photographer for the images to be used in print and media.
Venues and Technical Information
General information regarding the venues will be available via the website.
Technical information regarding the stage, lighting, access to the venue, dressing room and so forth will be emailed closer to the time by the Director or Tour Manager.
Other than what is provided the Rome Burlesque Festival does not hire additional AV equipment for individual artists. If you require additional equipment you must discuss with the team immediately on confirmation. We will inform performers of what is available.
Onsite staff include the Director, Tour Manager and Stage Assistants during the show.
No personal assistants/helpers are permitted under any circumstances unless prior approval has been given.
Formats and rehearsal forms will be sent seven to fourteen days prior to the commencement of the festival but are subject to change at any time due to unforeseeable circumstances. Performers will be notified of any changes to the schedule as soon as practical and must be contactable by phone or email so the Director and/or Tour Manager can inform you of any changes.
Tech runs and/or rehearsals will be available at the venue on the day of the events.
NO liquid, confetti, paint, chalk, blood, food, spray or loose glitter, sharp objects or fire is allowed unless direct approval given by the RBF Director.
Some venues have a NO GLITTER policy.
Rehearsals, Formats, Acts
Formats and rehearsal sheets will be sent seven to fourteen days prior to the commencement of the festival but are subject to change at any time due to unforeseeable circumstances. Performers will be notified of any changes to the schedule as soon as practical and must be contactable by phone or email so the Stage Manager can inform you of changes.
Tech runs and/or rehearsals will be available at the venue on the day of the events. Rehearsal times will be strict and subject to change. Late arrival to tech runs may mean you forfeit your spot.
Acts submitted that are successful MUST NOT be changed unless discussed with the RBF Director in advance. Acts can only be changed under extreme circumstances.
General Information
RBF does not tolerate any bullying or harassment of any participant in the festival. Noted instances of any such behaviour will result in the immediate cancellation of your participation from the festival with no compensation payable.
RBF would like to reiterate that culturally appropriative, insensitive and highly offensive acts will not be tolerated.
In order for RBF to run in an orderly manner we expect everyone involved to read and comply with all instructions. Information is provided to clarify all expectations of participants and should be read and understood as soon as practicable.
All performers and staff must act in a professional and respectful manner to other artists, RBF staff, assistants, technical support, venue staff and patrons. If performers do not respect these requests you cannot participate in RBF. Bullying or harassment will not be tolerated.
Any performer who consumes too much alcohol (more than two standard drinks) prior to performing or working and cannot function adequately will be asked to leave the venue or premises forfeiting payment.
Drug use will not be tolerated.
The dressing room must be left in a clean and orderly manner upon departure. Whilst we appreciate burlesque can be a little messy at times, respect for your fellow participants is paramount. Any damage caused to the venue or other participants possessions will be the sole liability of the participant responsible.
Please be mindful of other performers and crew’s space. Try to contain your items as best you can.
All props or small items (other than your costume) must be made known to the Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager during your rehearsal.
Please try to have your hair and makeup done prior to your show. At times the dressing room can be small with limited mirror space.
All performers are responsible for their own costumes and props. While RBF will do everything to safeguard your property we cannot be held responsible for personal items due to loss, damage or theft. If you have left an item at the venue it is your responsibility to contact the venue directly to collect it.
All performers are responsible for load in, setup and load out of their own props. However assistance will be given regarding props as available.
Large, heavy or awkward props must be approved by RBF prior to commencement.
Under NO circumstances are personal friends, family or assistants allowed backstage at any time. If you require an assistant for your act RBF must be contacted for prior approval.
It is expected that you respond to ALL correspondence from RBF in a timely manner and ensure relevant RBF email addresses are added to your contacts lists so information sent is not filtered by your e-mail provider.